Saturday, May 29, 2010

~First Posting~

WoW.. finally i create my own blog here. Excited..hahaha.. Almost my friends around me have their own blog, but only me don't have. I am lazy to type such a long passage so I'm not decide to create a blog before this.

But, one day, (recently) i had viewed one of my friend's blog. After viewed his blog, i made a decision to create my own blog. This is because his blog had touched my heart and made me want to express my feeling through blog. I have viewed many of my friend's blog before but i think his blog is the most special one. Hmmm.. i think the more writings i write in the blog, the more i will learn in writing. (hope can to improve my grammar, spelling...)

By the way, i think i will get benefits through it.

Today is Sunday.. i had a nice day in church ~MTS course~
Thanks God that give me the chance to learn his word through the bible..
Youth group members, word hard and we will get higher marks next time.. !!! And as the leader, i think i will learn some experience from that . That's good.. haha..

Tomorrow I have my 2nd test in Paper 1. Hopefully I can do better tomorrow. I will pray for myself.. thanks God blessings.

~That's all for my first posting~ ^^

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