Saturday, June 19, 2010

~My injured fingers~

Oh my pity fingers T.T were injured. So pain~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Things was happened like this>> Yesterday night, i wanted to fry some eggs for dinner. Then i poured the egg into a small bowl. After finished frying, i wanted to put the bowl into wash basin. At this time, my hand slipped. The bowl broke out on the tiles and it slashed my two fingers. Ouch!!! The blood was come out and non-stop. Oh my god, it is a deep wound. Wuwuwu T.T it is very pain~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I quickly washed the wound by water and applied plaster on it.
Why I am so careless?? I did'nt breaking a bowl for long time. Haiz...
Finally i only can endured the pain~~
I told mum the things happened when she came back home. She say: " Next time must be careful of it !! ". Fortunately she didn't scolded me.
Oh my Lady Gaga (Jia Yi's mantra).. nonono is injured fingers. hehe xD

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

~Sing K witth college friends~

Today Miss Ang took her MC.. then my friends and I have our free time for 3 hours. Wohoo~~ then Ivy suggested to sing K at Loud Speaker near our college. We had fun there. ^^ The cost was only RM6.00 per person,(of course is student price) but it is very cheap compare to RedBOx. LOL xD.
In the photo~
Ivy, Hong Ling. Wei Theng, Xin Yei, Hui Fang, Li xin, Siew Chiao and me~~~

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

~My interesting classmates~

My class has 24 peoples.
17 girls and 7 boys.
18 Chinese and 6 Indians.
Althought we are a small class, there are so many interesting people in my class.
1. Wei Theng
Convent's girl,
always talk very funny things,
like a "开心果",
make us laugh non-stop,
like to eat sweets and drink 维他奶,
great in drawing also~
2. Xin Yei
a pretty girl,
came from Pontian,
came from SMK Dato' Penggawa Barat,
her face look like a actress from Singapore '姚懿珊',
i think 70% similar~
3. Hui Qi
the tallest girl among us,
has a very long hair,
came from Permas Jaya~
4. Jia Yi
a funny boy,
came from Taman Daya,
very coinsidence that he knows some of my secondary school's friends and also Edwin,
beside that, we are also attend same tuition classes in Omega,
a boy who will do maintainence on face,
and like to shopping,
i was surprise when heard that~
5. Yu Yee
a funny boy also,
came from Pahang,
know many information about polictical,
like to read newspaper,
the most funniest thing is his speaking accent,
always in 第四声,
like 杜(读)书, 中过(国), 差别(bie4),
made me and xin yei laugh non-stop,
but i'm not tease him,
just felt he is very funny~
Besides this 5 people, there are also other classmates like Ivy, Hong Ling, William, Jason, Hui Fang, Siew Chiao and many others...
There are many stories can tell that happened in my class,
funny and interesting,
i like my college friends and college life,
but i still miss my old friends in secondary school