Saturday, June 19, 2010

~My injured fingers~

Oh my pity fingers T.T were injured. So pain~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Things was happened like this>> Yesterday night, i wanted to fry some eggs for dinner. Then i poured the egg into a small bowl. After finished frying, i wanted to put the bowl into wash basin. At this time, my hand slipped. The bowl broke out on the tiles and it slashed my two fingers. Ouch!!! The blood was come out and non-stop. Oh my god, it is a deep wound. Wuwuwu T.T it is very pain~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I quickly washed the wound by water and applied plaster on it.
Why I am so careless?? I did'nt breaking a bowl for long time. Haiz...
Finally i only can endured the pain~~
I told mum the things happened when she came back home. She say: " Next time must be careful of it !! ". Fortunately she didn't scolded me.
Oh my Lady Gaga (Jia Yi's mantra).. nonono is injured fingers. hehe xD

1 comment:

  1. link you! xD

    p/s above statement:
    Next time be more careful yar! :)
