Friday, July 02, 2010

~Recent Mood~

My hair in front was too long.. can't see my eyes already >.<
In the past week, it was a lot of thing happened in my life. I have a mixed feeling.
Last friday, it was our second mock exam for paper 2. Fortunately, i had pass the exam and qualify to take CBE, Thank God. After our exam, it was about 11.00a.m and we have our moral class at 2.00p.m. My friend and I decided to go library first before we go out for our lunch because it still early. So at 12.00p.m, we decided to go Jusco for lunch and we ask Jason, Qing Jun and Yu Yee together.
We have 10 person here so we take two cars to go. One is Jason's car and one is my car. Finally our decision for lunch is 汤师父. When we went into the restaurant, very luckily we met the Singapore artist: 郑铬平and洪慧芳. Hahaha xD.
I had never went to this restaurant before, because I don't like 药膳 and the price was too expensive for me. But Hong Ling strongly recommended us that the food was very delicious so we went there for a try. After I saw the menu, wow...... Xin Yei and me looked at each other= =.
Lastly most of us ordered the most cheaper food that is abalone面线~RM 8.90. I cannot say the food is not tasty but still okay for me. The only thing that I like was the restaurant's environment. It was comfortable and gorgeous. xD
After enjoyed our meal there, it is time for us to go back college. On the way to college, unfortunate happened. In front of traffic light, Jason's car was the first car. My car was the third car. At the moment of traffic light turned to green, Jason's car began to move forward. At this time, a blue car with a very fast speed from our left hand side hit Jason's car. The whole car was reversed with the tyre faced to sky. It was terrible. Five of us shocked. We screamed out. I quickly parked my car at the side of road. We rushed to the Jason's car and try to rescue them from the car. At this time, I prayed to Lord in my heart: Dear Lord, please rescue them! Blessed and protect my friend please! Please don't take them away! Thank God for listened to my prayer, they were okay now, no casualties. Luckily Jason and Yu Yee were no injured. Only Qing Jun, Siew Chiao and Wei Theng have a minor injured. Wei Theng almost faint. We quickly brought them to hospital. After do the body check up, all of them were okay. I was relieved.
This was the first time I saw an accident in front of my eyes and all my friend was inside the car. I cannot believed. As we watched the accident in the drama, that is fake. But this time was real, it just happened in front of my eyes for a few second of time. That kind of feelings were terror and fear. If there was any casualties, how are we to do? It was a scary accident. I still can remember the feeling until now.
Actually the accident was caused by the girl who break throught the red light. It was not Jason's fault. All of us can be the witness. The girl was a TB, she keep saying was Jason's fault and not her fault. Why she don't want to admit her wrong? It is not fair to jason that the police was believed the girl said. According to Jason, he said that the TB had bribe the police. What an unfair world? Why Malaysia police is like that? 1 Malaysia? Haiz, it just nothing. All of us felt not fair to Jason. >.<
In the Bible said,
Happy are those who reject the advice of evil people, who do not follow the example of sinners or join those who have no use for God. Instead, they find joy in obeying the Law of the LORD, and they study it day and night. They are like trees that grows beside a stream, that bear fruit at the right time, and those leaves do not dry up. They suceed in everthing they do. But evil people are not like this at all; they are like straw that the wind blows away. Sinners will be condemned by God and kept apart from God's own people. The righteous are guided and protected by the LORD, but the evil are on the way to their doom. (PSALMS 1:1~6)
I believed Lord will do conviction to evil people.
Instead, Dear Lord, thank you.
After the days I have fear to drive. But I have overcome the fear by the pray to God. Amen.
In the next few day, CBE was began on Tuesday and Wedneaday. In Paper 1, i scored 88%. Wow, I was very very happy when saw my marks. Beside that I scored only 72% in Paper 2. Luckily I had passed both paper with cost RM300.00 each. Lol, if i failed it, it will waste RM300 to sit for the exam again. But I had try my own best. My happy is not my mark was higher than other people or what, it was just my efforts have not been in vain. I always believed in this words that is Results are obtained by our own efforts.
After go through so many things, it had increase experience in my life. I want to love Jesus more and more.
Next week will begin the new semester with Paper 3, 4 and 5. I will work hard. Thank God's conservative and look after. Amen.

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