Saturday, September 25, 2010

~PT2 passed, mock exam is coming soon!~

PT2 has been passed in this week, it can say that mock exam is coming soon. I take it with a normal heart.=P Recently, classmates gossip about me.@@ Because I have said out some word then caused a sensation in the class. But I will take it easy because I am used to it. Before this, friends always like to help me make a pair, I also have no choice. As long as not too much, I can accept this joke. So don't worry I will not angry of that. I am a tolerance person, LOL. Today T5 results was out, I failed again= = Disappointed to myself, it is my fault, because I didn't done well. I have made up my mind again, I must concentrate in studies now, less playing, online and go out. My aims is pass all the CAT paper once. I don't want any of the paper failed. So, this time I am seriously. I must do it! I have faith on myself and also God. I will depends on Him all the time.
In the last two weeks, it is holidays week. Our church has held a camp at Cactus Inn, Seri Alam. We have a lot of fun at there. Church camp is held annually. This year was held in a near place, that's why we can go, thankful to Lord. If not, we can't go also. [$$$] This camp has benefits me a lot. Beside the God's word that motivate me, our relationship among youth group also become closer. This is the will of god, we must treasure.
During Hari Raya, my family and I had visited my mum's Malays friends house at Pandan. This was the first time I received ‘greepau' and went to Malays houses.xD My mum's Malays friends were not very rich, they live in the Pandan Malays kampung. Their kampung house was old and small. Some are wooden house. If raining, the water will lead from the roof. I was surprise that there still have such a kampung in JB. Their kampung was different from our Chinese kampung, the house are not in a row, all build in random, at least we have our own address clearly, they seem like no?? Ermm, maybe I was fuss because I live in city since childhood. But the only things I can praised was their food, it is delicious and tasty although all are hot. Curry, Rendang, Sambal!! LOL. It is a nice visit!
That day, they were quarrel. Sadly. I was cry for that. I started to blame. I don't know what should I do at the time. When I wanted to vent my emotions, I found no place. I was thinking, I have a lot of friends. But I have no confidant. Absolutely. Maybe others will think I have a good interpersonal relationships and popularity. But actually not many people know me deeply. I have no bosom friend at all. I tell myself, it's okay, because I have Lord. When I was sad, helpless and suffer, I have nobody to tell, to complain, and to release my emotions. I was grieved. My tears drop down. Instead, the only thing that I can do is pray in front of Lord. I prayed, Lord Jesus, please give me strength, let my heart be strong again, so I can faced all the difficulties. Just like people who have the burden must come in front of Lord, he will come for us to carry it. I believe the almighty. Prayer is the best way. Nothings gonna change your love for us, thanksgiving, Lord. Every time you had listen to my prayer, I can felt Lord is stand beside me, listen to me through heart. I will follow you until the end of the world and the time until the Lord Jesus comes. Amen!
Yesterday, youth group practised song. This time we change our style. Let it become two song leaders. This is a good idea from priest! So, we had chosen Ying. In my heart, I think, maybe after she has this experience as a song leader, she will know my difficulty and stress before. Hopefully she will realise and change her attitude. Besides her, another member that let me headache was Zhao. We all know that he was a perfectionist. But sometimes, he was too requires perfect. There are no perfectionist in this world. How can we achieve his request? We are not that powerful. I was scared he will exploded again like last time and will cause dispute. Fortunately, he has remember the lesson last time, his thought had change to be patience and no more get angry easily. I was happy to see that. By the way, we can say that actually he has a very good talent in music, his opinion always was good in worship. So I was appreciate his opinion every time. Thanks God that we have such a talent member in our church. God wants revival in our church. Youth group member, are you prepared to revive yourself? Yes, I am the first one to say yes! Hallelujah! Yesterday we had completed our first MTS course in this year. We learned a lot about bible through this course. And we become more spiritual in our life. I am looking forward to the next course, it was about Father, Son and Holy Spirit and filled with the Spirit speaking in tongues pray. We don't want to be a nominal Christian, that's why we need to attend courses to know more about our religion. Just like our slogan: From believers to disciple, from his disciples into the ministry! Also can not forget the Gospel, we should share Gospel with people around us, this is our mission for each Christian. Let more people know about our Lord and accept Him as our savior. This was challenging task but I think youth group will try their best to achieve.
Believe in myself and God! I can lead well. Amen.

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