Tuesday, September 07, 2010

~HOlidays over~

Time passed very fast, I have been accustomed to college life in this five months. It is a totally different from secondary school's life, different peoples I met and different incidents I experienced. Since I didn't write blog for so long, I have a lots of words want to say. xD

Appreciate God that let me can made friends with this soul mate. Thanksgiving. After get along with them for five months, our friendship was established gradually. I realise that [True good friends, does not mean that there are endless topic to talk about when together.But when together, even if not talking, will not feel embarrassed.] A meaningful phrases to me. Hope our friendship in the future can be maintained always. Erm, I think two people can make in the life of them become friends, this is a fate. We should appreciated and treasured. No matter how long you have not met him or her, at least our hearts are still remember each others, this is enough. For me, occasionally receive a sms is simply a warm regards from them. I will always remember the memories with my friends on my mind. My friends, trust me that you are not forgotten!

Last few weeks, I had followed Kae Sheng and joined the Christian Fellowship on Induction day in college. The first event I had attended was Youth Alpha Course which are held on every Friday night in Full Gospel Church. Have a nice night with all that day. I think their church events very good and suitable for teenagers to participate. But it is sadly to say that I just attend for one time only because dad are not allowed me to drive at night. Haiz. I actually quite like to continue to participate. In attending this course, I can made more friends, learn more about other churches and the Word of God. =] Unfortunately, I also cannot attend Christian Fellowship meeting on every Thursday evening =( because that time can't match with my time. It's a pity. >.<

In this week, I have went fishing with Dad for two times. Lived 18 years, this is the first time to go fishing. In my childhood, father started working in the fishing shop for so many years, but I have no chance to go fishing with him. Finally the opportunity came. This is a very good experience for me. Because of fishing, I love the sea: the beauty of the sea, the sea calm, the sea taste and flavor of the sea. Fresh air with beautiful scenery suddenly let my troubles on behind. Feeling very comfortable, I love it! Of course not forgetting about fishing. Actually fishing is not difficult to learn, I can mastered the techniques soon. Fishing was fun but it requires patience and perseverance. Moreover, fishing certainly not suitable for a person who afraid of sun and afraid of dirty. Fortunately, I'm not the one xD And when you catch the fish at the moment, there is a strange sense of accomplishment =) however it is cruel to the fish >.<>.

Recently I have a lot of feelings towards my friends, youth group and my family. But now I am busy preparing for the exam, I do not have extra time to write a blog.


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