Wednesday, November 17, 2010

~Still by Hillsong - Live~

I love this song, "Still".

Be still and know that HE is God.

More than capable of doing impossible things.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

~A little Disappointed~

Last week, mummy told me that she did not work on Thursday. She wanted to bring me out for my birthday celebration. I was glad to hear that. However, she told me again she can't keep her promise because she need to work on Thursday. I have a little disappointed. But how can I do? Mummy's work is very hard, wake up early in the morning; back home late at night. She cannot just take leave anytime. I have used to it, since she went out for working for so many years. I feel sorry to her. She went out for work, is help to support this family. I should not complain. Because of her work, she seldom go to church. Dad also recently. His worker was fired by his boss. Therefore, he need to work on Sunday. "No choice", both of them said. Moreover the things that I was sad to hear was even the coming Christmas Day, they also cannot go to church. What?! How come? Mummy said that she cannot exchange her rest day because it is on Saturday. Dad said that he is going to Kedah for his company meeting for 3days.= =I asked them whether can find others way. I get scold from them. They said they have no choice, they do this is for our family. Speechless. They are slowly away from God, I felt. The only thing that I can do is I pray for them everyday. I believe in God, HE will listen to my prayer. To make changes to my family, I want faster graduate from ACCA and go for work. Only this way, my parents only can get life easier. Birthday is gonna reach. I want to make some changes. As well as in myself, my family, my studies and also ministry. 18 years of life, looking back over the past, I feel like I wasted a lot of time on unnecessary things. A new life and new hope, this is God to us.

Friday, November 12, 2010

~Get sick~

I wonder how sick am I.
Had sore throats and a runny nose.
Fortunately, no fever.
Keep coughing.
Had the feeling of asthma ><
I had asthma since childhood
but grew up has completely healed.
However, if it is sick cough,
feeling as well as in asthma. Suffering. >.<
Voice becomes hoarse
and brother laughed at me.
I can not sing now,
I want to get well soon!!
I pray to God.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010





In the past week, I had breakthrough myself,
serve as a pianist.
Both Saturday and Sunday.
Everyone talk to me "JiaYou".
Thank you everyone for the encouragement and support. :)
When the worship started,
I'm so nervous actually...
had the same feeling when I become Song Lead first time,
Actually my legs was shaking on the time ><
maybe others did not see.. xD
But I done well. Ruo Yi and Qiao Hui said.
Thank you both of you for teaching me. Grateful.
I was in a cheerful mood.
I do the best of best for Lord.
Thank God listen to my prayer everytime.
Your blessings were always with me,
so that I always do the things belongs to God's will.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

~Market Place Ministry职场事奉~


上个星期从事奉表上键盘手的位置看见自己的名字。我告诉自己:我突破了!我超越了自己!之前师母有向我提起这件事,但我没想到她那么快就安排我这个岗位。也许对其他事奉人员来说,这并没有什么。然而对我来说,这是很大的恩典。神再次看中我的能力,我要大大的被神所使用成为他的器皿。回想上一次张欲权牧师说将的道:撒母耳记上16,17- 耶西不认为大卫有君王的潜力;哥哥们不认为大卫有勇士的潜能;扫罗不认为大卫有胜利的潜能;歌利亚不认为大卫有资格与他较量;然而上帝却看中大卫。我想我更加明白了。改变我心中的想法,神就会改变我的生命。今天我再次被神使用,我已经在事奉上突破了。所以我要献上最好的给神,我会更加努力使我的琴艺进步。我相信我今天所求的是双倍的,我也要双倍地被神使用,双倍的回应神。

在过去的星期二和三参加了职场服侍特会。邀请了来自香港的杨天恩博士牧师来主讲。本来那天学院还有最后一堂T5的revision class, 我就没有报名参加。但我最后选择参加特会。那天晚上我犹豫很久是否要去,少年团也一直叫我明天一定要来。我把这件事告诉妈妈,还被她啰嗦了一番。最后我向神祷告,我就决定参加特会,不去上课。我相信我的选择是对的,因为我真的在博士的分享中得着。这是值得的。至于那天的课嘛,听朋友说很多人没来上课,他们上课到一半也翘课去了,因为那天的课好像不怎么重要,只是再一次的温习,我想在家自己也能读。
