Tuesday, November 16, 2010

~A little Disappointed~

Last week, mummy told me that she did not work on Thursday. She wanted to bring me out for my birthday celebration. I was glad to hear that. However, she told me again she can't keep her promise because she need to work on Thursday. I have a little disappointed. But how can I do? Mummy's work is very hard, wake up early in the morning; back home late at night. She cannot just take leave anytime. I have used to it, since she went out for working for so many years. I feel sorry to her. She went out for work, is help to support this family. I should not complain. Because of her work, she seldom go to church. Dad also recently. His worker was fired by his boss. Therefore, he need to work on Sunday. "No choice", both of them said. Moreover the things that I was sad to hear was even the coming Christmas Day, they also cannot go to church. What?! How come? Mummy said that she cannot exchange her rest day because it is on Saturday. Dad said that he is going to Kedah for his company meeting for 3days.= =I asked them whether can find others way. I get scold from them. They said they have no choice, they do this is for our family. Speechless. They are slowly away from God, I felt. The only thing that I can do is I pray for them everyday. I believe in God, HE will listen to my prayer. To make changes to my family, I want faster graduate from ACCA and go for work. Only this way, my parents only can get life easier. Birthday is gonna reach. I want to make some changes. As well as in myself, my family, my studies and also ministry. 18 years of life, looking back over the past, I feel like I wasted a lot of time on unnecessary things. A new life and new hope, this is God to us.

1 comment:

  1. "A new life and a new hope, this is God to us"
    We often get a life that we either don't wanna be or we wanna be sooo much. Or rather sometimes we think life is unfair. In fact, everything is unfair, only God is fair :D They are not in total wrong of working, like you said, to support the family. But just keep praying that the evil one will not use this working technique to distract your parents from God. Maybe what you can do is send Christian values sms to your parents. Kindly like reminding them, appreciate them :D Haha. Sounds a bit weird I know. But worth the try (: God sees your work, by praying to Him. He'll definitely do something. Ask Him to show you the ways to handle this situation. For He loves you,He'll never give you up. Take Care! :D
