Tuesday, November 09, 2010





In the past week, I had breakthrough myself,
serve as a pianist.
Both Saturday and Sunday.
Everyone talk to me "JiaYou".
Thank you everyone for the encouragement and support. :)
When the worship started,
I'm so nervous actually...
had the same feeling when I become Song Lead first time,
Actually my legs was shaking on the time ><
maybe others did not see.. xD
But I done well. Ruo Yi and Qiao Hui said.
Thank you both of you for teaching me. Grateful.
I was in a cheerful mood.
I do the best of best for Lord.
Thank God listen to my prayer everytime.
Your blessings were always with me,
so that I always do the things belongs to God's will.


  1. (: You've taken a great step ahead. Continue to use the gifts that HE gave you. Bless people with this gift.Nervous is normal. Just bear in mind, HE's there with you whenever you are playing to bring honour and praise to HIM and HIM alone :D Amen. Jiayou! Haha :D

  2. Amen.You are right.Haha.Thank you,Edwin.haha=D
