Monday, July 26, 2010

~Dispute, quarrel&complain go away!!!!~

Quarrel among youth group happened yesterday. I was sad and disappointed. Youth group just like a big family. We love and and accommodating each other always. Because of disagreement on the serving , we are blaming each other. Was it correct for us to do so? Definitely no! I felt very very sad when I saw all your status and comments in Facebook. As I am a song leader among yours, I am sad but helpless. I knew my ability is limited, but I have done my best to be a song leader. Really. I tried to lead the praise and worship well. You all cannot see my stress. So don't simply gave any opinion that you always think that was true. I also never blaming myself. I know, as a christian, we need to humble and obedience, and always accept criticism from others. If you think you have this ability then you try to be a song leader then you will know. Dear Lord, was it correct for me to think like this? Sometimes I really cannot stand, I want to tell them what I thought but I fear that will affect our friendship between. So what should I do? Dear Jesus, please forgive my complaint. I was helpless and I cried at the time of prayer. Dear Lord, please help us. Everyone has their weaknesses. To do a best serving to God, we need to accommodating each other. Not repeated criticism of others, but look at our own shortcomings first. Especially some of them which are very sensitive, don't always criticize others and think you are very perfect or whatever. I, myself have weaknesses too, so I never criticize others isn't is? As you all knew me for a long time, I am not a hot temper person and I seldom angry with you all. Because I hope we live together in peace. I don't want quarrel among our self. All youth group member, I just want to say to yours that unity is strength. This is important. I don't know whether you all will see this post or not, I just want to express my feeling here. So no quarrel again next time please, we must try to find our way to overcome our problems. I was pleased when I saw you all have review our own after in the status. Last but not least was prayer. Anyway I will never give up prayer, I believed in God that he will be with us always-Emmanuel. God, implore you to use your ability to help us, so we can live in your justice, do not deviate from your Road. In any place which we are inadequate, hope Lord can add on it. Let us be honest hearts to worship you. Hallelujah!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

嘻哈牧師~Jaeson Ma

Today, when I search the Internet to find the 'Break Free" lyrics, I saw this in a girl's blogger. After viewing her blog, I think she was a Christian too. I saw this video post in her blogger recently so go to watch this video. It is the Goodtv show, The True Blog. I had watch it before which was Brother Kevin Soh's testimony last two week. I had post the video in my blog too. Then today I saw this show again. It is talking about Paster Jaeson Ma. His testimony touched me and let me started to know about his life and music. It is quite nice when I finish watching this video. God loves everyone in this world, no matter who are you, if you pray to Lord, He will listen to your prayer. I believed on it always. Amen.

Hillsong: "Break Free" Worship and Praise Song featuring Joel Houston (HQ)

Last Sunday, youth group has started our dance practise for the Christmas performance. That is my weakness - dancing = ='''I can't do all the dance movement well, it look like "cacat" when I dance. =w= How shoud I do?! I am naturally not suitable for dancing! I think. I am sure no problem if it is singing but this time is dancing. >.< Haiyo.........troubling now.............. : (

Although this, I was enjoyed the process of learning dancing with all. It was an awesome feeling that we can relaxed. xD ~So would you break free, would you break free get up and dance~

Lyrics of 'Break Free'~

Would you believe me would you listen if i told you that

There is a love that makes a way, it'll never hold you back

So wont you break free wont you break free

Get up and dance in His love

So wont you break free wont you break free

Get up and dance in His love

Who would have thought that God would give his one and only son

Taking a stand upon the cross to show His perfect love

So wont you break free wont you break free

Get up and dance in his love

So wont you break free wont you break free

Get up and dance in his love

His love never ending

(*Chorus) There's no escaping the truth

There's no mistaking it's You

God forever we'll

Get up and dance,Get up and dance

And praise You

Now is the time to take this freedom that has come our way

Offer our lives to see the glory of Your name

So wont you break free wont you break free

Get up and dance in his love

So wont you break free wont you break free

Get up and dance in His love

His love never ending

*There's no escaping the truth

There's no mistaking it's You

God forever we'll

Get up and dance,Get up and dance

And praise You

Theres no escaping Your light

Theres no mistaking Your love

Across the world we will

Get up and dance

Get up and dance and praise You

Living all our days

We are holding on holding on

To all Your ways

We are holding on holding on

To all You say and You've done

We are holding on to Your love

Now we will

So won't you break free

Won't you break free

Get up and dance

Wont you break free

His love never ending


Thursday, July 15, 2010

~Bye Bye Viva~

Finally Viva has been returned to him although I am reluctant to the car. I am very grateful to him that he lend me his car for three months. May God bless him greatly as more blessed to give than to receive. From tomorrow, I will drive Wira to college, not Viva anymore. T.T
Maybe I used to drive manual car so I not used to drive auto car. I felt not easily when driving. But I believed that I can drive it well!! hahaha..
Time flies quickly, a week has passed. Do not know why, I felt my circle of life becomes smaller. It seems like has some emptiness. During the secondary school time, I always busy busy and busy in the academic and extra-curricular activities and spend all the time with friends. It has a lot of memories in my mind. I was tired every time but it is very substantial. However now, I have a lot of free time then don't know how to spend it except study. Haiz.. what a stuffy life.
Yesterday I have missed the workshops of praise and worship by Stream of Praise in Full Gospel church. My friends who are going said that they had learned a lot there such as how to become a good song leader and how to lead the worship well. Unfortunately I cannot attend. It is such good experience but I lose this opportunity.
Thank God this week for look after the conservative. I will continue to serve you and love you as you love us in the world.

Monday, July 05, 2010

~New semester start~

Today new semester was start.
Continue my class with all my dear college friend (:
Mr.Tung, lecturer of T5 seem like very...... don't know how to describe.
Hope he can teach us well in T5. xD
After his introduction for T5, I felt T5 is very hard to pass. >.<
Because we need to write essay in the exam T.T
I have a bit worried that I cannot manage.

After finish our class, we went yum cha. haha.
We had a good chat there.
I also knew more about each others.

If have opportunity, I hope I can share gospel with them.
May God bless me.

Just now heard from dad that Viva is going to be return to FJ soon.
I have no Viva to drive anymore.
Could not bear to it.
Because I have drive used.
Nevertheless, that's not my car always.
It is time for return back to him.
So now I have no choice.
Maybe I need to drive 'that' car.
But I do not want to >.<>.<>

Dear Lord, I will continue pray to you.
Because I know your grace is always sufficient to my use.

~He really inspire me~

今天是特别的一天~ 一年一度的孝亲晚宴终于圆满落幕~
今晚是诗歌见证会~听到了超棒的见证~ 是一个新加坡的弟兄...也算是一位创作歌手~他是前吸毒者...名叫苏世明...45岁...可是看起来很年轻...他出生在一个破碎的家庭..十一岁第一次吸毒..过去二十年来进出戒毒所和监狱...在他最后一次进监狱时...他接触了圣经...他开始反省自己...听见上帝对他说话...他就悔改认罪了...在出来后...就信主了...现在他服侍主有八年了...也结婚六年了...他现在创作诗歌来见证他的故事...到很多国家去做见证...他没有任何的音乐背景...可是上帝却恩赐与他...让他会创作诗歌~他的歌都好好听...歌词很有意思...在他身上真的看到上帝的大能...让我更佳爱主~我希望从这位弟兄和他太太为大家带来的见证 可以带领着更多人相信上帝 因为再神 凡是都能~

Friday, July 02, 2010

~Recent Mood~

My hair in front was too long.. can't see my eyes already >.<
In the past week, it was a lot of thing happened in my life. I have a mixed feeling.
Last friday, it was our second mock exam for paper 2. Fortunately, i had pass the exam and qualify to take CBE, Thank God. After our exam, it was about 11.00a.m and we have our moral class at 2.00p.m. My friend and I decided to go library first before we go out for our lunch because it still early. So at 12.00p.m, we decided to go Jusco for lunch and we ask Jason, Qing Jun and Yu Yee together.
We have 10 person here so we take two cars to go. One is Jason's car and one is my car. Finally our decision for lunch is 汤师父. When we went into the restaurant, very luckily we met the Singapore artist: 郑铬平and洪慧芳. Hahaha xD.
I had never went to this restaurant before, because I don't like 药膳 and the price was too expensive for me. But Hong Ling strongly recommended us that the food was very delicious so we went there for a try. After I saw the menu, wow...... Xin Yei and me looked at each other= =.
Lastly most of us ordered the most cheaper food that is abalone面线~RM 8.90. I cannot say the food is not tasty but still okay for me. The only thing that I like was the restaurant's environment. It was comfortable and gorgeous. xD
After enjoyed our meal there, it is time for us to go back college. On the way to college, unfortunate happened. In front of traffic light, Jason's car was the first car. My car was the third car. At the moment of traffic light turned to green, Jason's car began to move forward. At this time, a blue car with a very fast speed from our left hand side hit Jason's car. The whole car was reversed with the tyre faced to sky. It was terrible. Five of us shocked. We screamed out. I quickly parked my car at the side of road. We rushed to the Jason's car and try to rescue them from the car. At this time, I prayed to Lord in my heart: Dear Lord, please rescue them! Blessed and protect my friend please! Please don't take them away! Thank God for listened to my prayer, they were okay now, no casualties. Luckily Jason and Yu Yee were no injured. Only Qing Jun, Siew Chiao and Wei Theng have a minor injured. Wei Theng almost faint. We quickly brought them to hospital. After do the body check up, all of them were okay. I was relieved.
This was the first time I saw an accident in front of my eyes and all my friend was inside the car. I cannot believed. As we watched the accident in the drama, that is fake. But this time was real, it just happened in front of my eyes for a few second of time. That kind of feelings were terror and fear. If there was any casualties, how are we to do? It was a scary accident. I still can remember the feeling until now.
Actually the accident was caused by the girl who break throught the red light. It was not Jason's fault. All of us can be the witness. The girl was a TB, she keep saying was Jason's fault and not her fault. Why she don't want to admit her wrong? It is not fair to jason that the police was believed the girl said. According to Jason, he said that the TB had bribe the police. What an unfair world? Why Malaysia police is like that? 1 Malaysia? Haiz, it just nothing. All of us felt not fair to Jason. >.<
In the Bible said,
Happy are those who reject the advice of evil people, who do not follow the example of sinners or join those who have no use for God. Instead, they find joy in obeying the Law of the LORD, and they study it day and night. They are like trees that grows beside a stream, that bear fruit at the right time, and those leaves do not dry up. They suceed in everthing they do. But evil people are not like this at all; they are like straw that the wind blows away. Sinners will be condemned by God and kept apart from God's own people. The righteous are guided and protected by the LORD, but the evil are on the way to their doom. (PSALMS 1:1~6)
I believed Lord will do conviction to evil people.
Instead, Dear Lord, thank you.
After the days I have fear to drive. But I have overcome the fear by the pray to God. Amen.
In the next few day, CBE was began on Tuesday and Wedneaday. In Paper 1, i scored 88%. Wow, I was very very happy when saw my marks. Beside that I scored only 72% in Paper 2. Luckily I had passed both paper with cost RM300.00 each. Lol, if i failed it, it will waste RM300 to sit for the exam again. But I had try my own best. My happy is not my mark was higher than other people or what, it was just my efforts have not been in vain. I always believed in this words that is Results are obtained by our own efforts.
After go through so many things, it had increase experience in my life. I want to love Jesus more and more.
Next week will begin the new semester with Paper 3, 4 and 5. I will work hard. Thank God's conservative and look after. Amen.