Thursday, July 22, 2010

嘻哈牧師~Jaeson Ma

Today, when I search the Internet to find the 'Break Free" lyrics, I saw this in a girl's blogger. After viewing her blog, I think she was a Christian too. I saw this video post in her blogger recently so go to watch this video. It is the Goodtv show, The True Blog. I had watch it before which was Brother Kevin Soh's testimony last two week. I had post the video in my blog too. Then today I saw this show again. It is talking about Paster Jaeson Ma. His testimony touched me and let me started to know about his life and music. It is quite nice when I finish watching this video. God loves everyone in this world, no matter who are you, if you pray to Lord, He will listen to your prayer. I believed on it always. Amen.

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