Monday, July 26, 2010

~Dispute, quarrel&complain go away!!!!~

Quarrel among youth group happened yesterday. I was sad and disappointed. Youth group just like a big family. We love and and accommodating each other always. Because of disagreement on the serving , we are blaming each other. Was it correct for us to do so? Definitely no! I felt very very sad when I saw all your status and comments in Facebook. As I am a song leader among yours, I am sad but helpless. I knew my ability is limited, but I have done my best to be a song leader. Really. I tried to lead the praise and worship well. You all cannot see my stress. So don't simply gave any opinion that you always think that was true. I also never blaming myself. I know, as a christian, we need to humble and obedience, and always accept criticism from others. If you think you have this ability then you try to be a song leader then you will know. Dear Lord, was it correct for me to think like this? Sometimes I really cannot stand, I want to tell them what I thought but I fear that will affect our friendship between. So what should I do? Dear Jesus, please forgive my complaint. I was helpless and I cried at the time of prayer. Dear Lord, please help us. Everyone has their weaknesses. To do a best serving to God, we need to accommodating each other. Not repeated criticism of others, but look at our own shortcomings first. Especially some of them which are very sensitive, don't always criticize others and think you are very perfect or whatever. I, myself have weaknesses too, so I never criticize others isn't is? As you all knew me for a long time, I am not a hot temper person and I seldom angry with you all. Because I hope we live together in peace. I don't want quarrel among our self. All youth group member, I just want to say to yours that unity is strength. This is important. I don't know whether you all will see this post or not, I just want to express my feeling here. So no quarrel again next time please, we must try to find our way to overcome our problems. I was pleased when I saw you all have review our own after in the status. Last but not least was prayer. Anyway I will never give up prayer, I believed in God that he will be with us always-Emmanuel. God, implore you to use your ability to help us, so we can live in your justice, do not deviate from your Road. In any place which we are inadequate, hope Lord can add on it. Let us be honest hearts to worship you. Hallelujah!

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