Monday, July 05, 2010

~New semester start~

Today new semester was start.
Continue my class with all my dear college friend (:
Mr.Tung, lecturer of T5 seem like very...... don't know how to describe.
Hope he can teach us well in T5. xD
After his introduction for T5, I felt T5 is very hard to pass. >.<
Because we need to write essay in the exam T.T
I have a bit worried that I cannot manage.

After finish our class, we went yum cha. haha.
We had a good chat there.
I also knew more about each others.

If have opportunity, I hope I can share gospel with them.
May God bless me.

Just now heard from dad that Viva is going to be return to FJ soon.
I have no Viva to drive anymore.
Could not bear to it.
Because I have drive used.
Nevertheless, that's not my car always.
It is time for return back to him.
So now I have no choice.
Maybe I need to drive 'that' car.
But I do not want to >.<>.<>

Dear Lord, I will continue pray to you.
Because I know your grace is always sufficient to my use.

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