Monday, October 04, 2010

~Went Fishing Again~

Yesterday I went fishing again. LOL. This time I went with several youth group's friends. We had fun at there although no fish was caught. xD

We practise song and dance yesterday. I felt all of us improved. Well done! Since we have so many weeks to practise, so our worship in this month can do well. haha. And recently everyone can pray out loud. This was a good thing. Let us learned how to pray before Lord. Our prayer fully picking up again. Hallelujah!

How to defuse an awkward between us? I mean him. Haiz. He has been very negative recently. I think I should talk to him generous. We are friends. Why should we become like this? Disturbing this thing called love. Trouble. = =

It is the time to work hard for my coming exam!! @.@ hehe xD

Tomorrow sister is going to start her PMR exam. Wish her good luck. I will pray for her. Jiayou ba c:


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