Saturday, October 23, 2010

~This is the grace of God~

Participate in their activities really feel a lot of fun. At first, I was not going to participate in their group, just want to see their church youth group is how to carry out. But now I have joined them this way. I ask mum can I joined them and their ministry, and she replied:" Of course, why not? This was a good doings. You can learning more from that. And ministry is doing to Lord, no matter which church you are." Then I think should be the right. I hope I will continue to join them because I do not just serve in my own church, I want to serve in other areas, the best of my ability to offer the best to God.
By Ks, I am very lucky to get to know Joanna and have the oppurtunity to join them. Glad =D And she also was a fan of Jay, So like a coincidence that we have the same idol. Not only that she also invited me to Jay's concert that will held in KL next year. Feel happy to hear that but I should not be able to, I think. >.< $$$$ Anyway, I am grateful to her invitation.
Now the problem is I do not want to trouble them to fetch me every week, but dad did not allow me to driving at night >.<>Impossible for them to take me to every week, moreover my house was so far! I can only do is to pray God to help me how to solve this problem.
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask in prayer. [Matthew 21: 22]
My best teacher always is the words of god from the Bible. He always lead me the paths of righteousness. I am grateful to God that he given us the amazing grace. Thanksgiving has always been. Amen.

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