Friday, October 01, 2010


Today I went to Full Gospel Church to attend their Youth Alpha. Have a enjoyable night with KS, Zack, Joanna and many others. This is the last time to participate in. I had learned through this. Very sorry to Sam that he came and fetch me but I had not ready on the time. Because KS didn't sms to confirm me so I thought I did not go today. Sorry for let him wait for me. We had a bit rush and I felt sorry to troubled him. Fortunately, we catch up time. Thank God. Besides that, thank you Sam for fetch me go and Joseph foe fetch me back :D
Today's theme was "Min Ge Can Ting''. So, we had listen many songs from all. Kenneth sang nicely as before. Others also sang very well. It is enjoyable to listen their song. And thanks a lot to Joanna that gave me Jay's poster. Happy to received it. xD It can match with the Jay's album [mo jie zuo] in the last year which was a gift from my dear friends. Thanks a lot! Joanna also was Jay's fans. She said she had a lot collectibles of him. Very envious of her because I cannot afford to buy all his collectibles. ^^
Today's sharing was nice. The speaker talked about the importance of share gospel, the problem we faced and how to overcome. It is useful to help me when sharing gospel with others. Awesome! I like it!
Sharing Gospel is the mission of every Christian. When we preach the gospel with people, they may say that I do not need Jesus. But the truth is not they do not need, but they do not understand. Our responsibility is to let them know Jesus, believe in Jesus.
Each person has five fingers> that is [the gospel hand].

Thumb -> behalf of a good that is God loves us;

Forefinger -> pointing to others, on behalf of each person have sinned;

Middle finger -> is the highest in all fingers, representing Jesus died on the cross for us;

Ring finger -> usually we will say "Yes, I do." in marriage,on behalf of our trust and believe Him;

Little finger -> Finally, on behalf of we get a new life.

God loves each of us, but we have sinned, but he was willing to die on the cross for us. So we are going to believe him, therefore we can get a new life.
When we want to preach the gospel with people in such a way can be used for. Good sharing from the speaker! I will try to apply this. :D
May God greatly use us as his vessels, let us strive to spread out the love of Christ and gospel, and do the witness of Christ! Amen!

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