Tuesday, December 28, 2010









‘不管怎样辛苦 我们都要一起走下去’

‘我知道我们不能在一起 但我愿意等你’

‘我还是会等你 虽然我们没有在一起’

‘因为你值得我等 羊羊会一样的在你的身边’



‘我怕有一天会失去你 我真的很怕’

‘ 我会让你更了解我 我们还不够了解 还不能算是男女朋友 我还是会等你的’


因为如果我没接受他们 他们就放弃了
这不是真正的喜欢 只是一时的喜欢
他没有放弃 而愿意等我



当一个人说跟你说‘我爱你’ 的时候


现在呢 保持这样就好了不是吗



n.n 咩咩咩~~xD

Sunday, December 26, 2010


圣诞节就这样过去了。在这个日子里 问自己做了些什么,好像没有的说。好失望 本来是想趁这个机会可以邀请朋友来教会,传福音给他们 但最后他们都没来 >< 唉。传福音不是那么简单的事,会受到很多的拦阻、很多的考验。我想也许我的祷告还不够,审查我自己,多点为那些灵魂还没被拯救的来祷告吧!


很可惜的是爸妈在圣诞节那天都没有出席。open house 也没来。我不懂他们在想什么。离弃神了吗?><

最近,越来越觉得少年团的人很奇怪。也不是奇怪啦,就是很。。唉 不懂怎么形容== 当然我不是说自己就很好,我也不想批评他们或是去说他们的是非,因为我自己也没有很好,我只能默默地在为大家祷告。他是个很属灵的人,很爱神的人,时常都用神的话语来鼓励大家,在音乐上又特别有才华,琴、贝斯、吉它、鼓都已经pro到没话讲,事奉的态度更是火热,没有一次看他缺席的。唯一不好的只是有时候太过要求完美== 但是他的原则很奇怪。?。? 之前在facebook一直都很活跃,过后有一段时期开始就说什么要封闭自己啦,不会再留言和写status. 在这圣诞节的前后五天又说要回来写status和留言,就五天而已,五天过后又不再上了。虽然是这样,他在facebook上写的都是在传福音的信息,写了好多好多,很佩服他的文笔,是我的话,我可写不出== 我知道他的本意是好的,只是我很疑惑他心里到底在想什么,明明每天都开着msn, 在线,却说他不会再留言和写status. ???每次问他,都讲那是他的原则,但我问来问去都问不出他真正想的是什么。但这是他的性格,做什么都很神秘的一个人,让人猜不透,典型的天蝎男,所以我也无话可说。只是觉得为什么会有这样的人,会向大家说我几时几时要离开(facebook),几时几时又会再回来(facebook)。觉得又可爱又好笑 哈。

还有这两位。。最近都不参我们了。事奉也... 好像我们之间隔着了一道的墙。要怎么去化解?难道是我们大家的问题?我们忽略了她们吗?我不知道要怎么挽回她们。该劝该说的都已经说了,只希望她们能够听进去。>< 少年团啊!!!不再像以前那么的团结了><

还有就是她。我真的是。。。不懂要怎么样说她。我真的不是要说她坏话还是什么,但我也不懂要跟谁讲。她竟然利用别人来达到自己的目的。真的很不应该!虽然被他利用的人是心甘情愿的,但是这样做真的是不对嘛>< 我真的看不过眼了。说一套,做一套。我真的看透她了。之前还以为她有改好一点了,所以才跟她越来越好。其实并没有。每天到处跟别人装熟,然后就要求别人做这做那。脸皮也真厚><唱歌要人请、吃东西也要人家请!还跟他们要求圣诞礼物。明明就排斥人家,还要约他出来。然后全部在那里自己讲自己的,还在facebook写今天玩到几开心。根本都没有顾虑到他的感受。是,他是不受大家的欢迎,性格很古怪,说话也很烦,每次说要请我们这个那个只是为了讨我们大家的欢心,希望我们可以跟他做朋友。就看到他心肠好,好欺负就敲他吗?他就是对你有意思,所以你讲什么他都会去做。既然不喜欢人家就讲清楚啦,为什么要这样对他,占它的便宜。真的是为他打包不平,他虽然已经是工作了的,但你一开口就是body glove的bag跟钱包。我在场直接傻眼。我就奇怪为什么你会要叫他出来了,为了就是因为他有车可以载我们去这里那里,因为如果是我驾的话,我一定不会要去将多地方的。唱完歌,去sutera mall还不够,还要去bukit indah jusco. 原来就是要去body glove的店。选了一个五十块的钱包然后叫他去付钱。虽然他也一直问我们每个要不要买,当作圣诞礼物,讲一年一次啦,没关系啦,但是我们哪里会好意思叫他买给我们。当然是拒绝啦。可是她竟然。。我真的不懂怎样讲她,她父母都没有讲她,我也哪有这个资格讲她,讲了只会伤感情。大家翻脸>< 我处处迁就她,让她,所以她也越来越得寸进尺了吗?心机真的太重了,我无法忍受。觉得自己很假,在大家面前要装着跟大家很好,可是心里却是在忍着。其他人也是还存在着很多问题>< 神啊,帮助我好叫我知道如何去行。。

很矛盾很矛盾很矛盾!!!为什么人与人之前的相处那么难。大家都是基督徒,为什么要做到这样 haiz haiz haiz... TT 人都是很自私的,包括我。我尽量的做好我的责任了,一直都为大家着想。但是谁来为我着想?没办法,我在当中最大。等我出来做工就不会在参与你们了,我珍惜跟大家一起玩、一起疯也一起事奉神的时候。唯一能做的就是为大家祷告。

Monday, December 20, 2010



好久没上来这儿写博客,前阵子都在忙考试;考完后也不懂在忙什么,似乎忘了我还有这地方可以写一写、消磨时间。这两个月来,好多事情发生。在脑海里的印象还没模糊之前,我想把发生在身边的一点一滴记录下来,就像别人写日记一样。但我是个懒惰的人,我不会每天都去写,哈。所以我写的应该叫作周记或月记吧?而且 应该没什么人会来看我的博客吧(心想),所以索性把这里当成日记簿好了,哈~ 不,应该是月记簿。不过怎么听起来有点怪怪的(笑)。。。

我是个不善于表达自己的人,到现在还是。以前的我给人的印象就是文静、沉默,有什么不满也不敢说出来、也不敢给意见,总是静静的。那就是以前的我。呵呵~ 但是现在的我真的不一样了,人长大了,许多事情也想通了,身边的人与环境照就了现在那个比较直率、比较有主见、敢与别人说话、也爱神更多的我。曾经看过星座书上写:天蝎座的人拥有神秘的魅力;绝对没有个人主义,也不会曲意奉承他人。虽然不会主动交朋友,却能凭着独特的存在感及神秘的热情吸引人。言行谨慎、专注,值得周围的人依赖。不擅于用言语表达情感,因此比较难交到好朋友。虽然我不是个很迷信星座的人,但这一段真的很准、很符合我的性格,哈~

考试之前一有空就会来这里散步。好一阵子没来了,草还是一样的绿、天还是一样的蓝、空气还是一样的清新(有点老套的说) 哈 住在城市久了,真的觉得很沉闷。我喜欢这个地方,它使我的脚步放慢,心情也放松了。坐在石凳上看着眼前的一大片湖。想了好多好多......

记得生日那天,本来打算在家里一个人过了因为生日的前两天妈妈告诉我,她之前答应我要带我出去庆祝的事情,她不能做到。没别的原因 就是那天需要工作。我听了,超失望的,心情直接down下来。过后我告诉自己要体谅她,妈妈真的做工很辛苦...
生日的前一天晚上,莹问我明天要不要去庆祝嗄 还是已经跟其他朋友约好去庆祝了。我脸皮厚的说:在等你约我去庆祝咯 哈。其实是真的没有人约我>< 结果呢 我们就去大嘴叭唱k然后去sutera mall走走。最让我惊喜地就是蛋糕出现的那一刹那,我真的没有想到她们事先买了蛋糕然后在等我们吃完东西后叫侍应生捧过来。我超开心的说,真的真的很惊喜。我第一次跟莹她们庆祝自己的生日,以前都是中学同学帮我庆祝,但是毕业后心想不知道大家还会记得我的生日吗?真的很谢谢少年团这几个...巧慧啊,盈莹啊,美云啊,还有我妹咯,哈。接着呢,凯欣打电话过来说,嘿 大家晚上要帮你庆祝生日哦,七点半在Pizza Hut meet啊。我听后,也很开心,原来大家还记得我的生日呢 哈。所以生日那天过的好开心好开心呀!谢谢所有朋友们C: 从那天起 我告诉自己也要多多留意身边朋友的生日,可以的话也为他们庆祝一番=D

生日的几天后,忘了是星期几,他们又吵架了:'( 我讨厌他们吵架,每次都是这样。每次在我们面前吵架,他们有想过我们的感受吗,我们看着他们吵架我们心就不痛吗。已经很多很多次了。每次他们吵架,我跟妹妹就跑去房间哭。所流的泪是那种很伤心、无助又心痛的。这次他们吵得更厉害,还摔 椅子。我,还记得那天,我是伤心到哭了一整晚,我一面祷告一面流泪求神帮助我。我不停的祷告,我跟神说,我要怎样做才能使他们和好,我知道他们已经没有从前那么恩爱了,爸爸那谁都受不了的性格,连我们这些孩子都不能接受,何况是妈妈呢。我尊敬我的父亲因为他有做到养育我们的责任,但他那大男人主义又固执又自私的性格让妈妈伤心了多少次。一言难尽。我们家不是有钱人家,只是个小康之家,爸妈辛苦工作,省得要命就是为了我们这些孩子。每次就因为金钱的问题,他们就会吵。小时候我很埋怨我为什么出生在这个家、很羡慕那些家里有钱的,但是长大以后我不这么想了。神安排我出生在这个家,这是他的旨意。我不再埋怨,我努力读好书,我尽量去做好一个女儿的本分。爸妈辛苦了,等我出社会工作,我会更孝顺他们。一定会。

十一月尾的时候呢,就参与学院Christian Fellowship的活动。第一次参与他们,认识了好多朋友,大多都是凯盛和炜杰A-levels的朋友。在练习报佳音和筹备圣诞派对的过程中,得到不一样的经验,哈。很谢谢他们让我有机会参与他们,Joanna, Dora,Hui Yeen,Viviesha,还有很多很多。很高兴能够认识他们 因为大家都是主内的一家人=)希望下次还有这样的活动~~ yeah~~

不知道为什么,十一月的时候少年团的几个竟然说不要事奉了。每次排到她们事奉,就一直找人代替或者找很多借口说不能够来。== 看到她们这样 真的很失望。毕竟我也算是她们的leader,看到她们信心软弱了,我也很伤心。有时候不来事奉也没有交代一声,那时候真的很生气她们。也不懂为什么她们在facebook也把我和几个少年团的删掉,好像我们对不起她们一样,很伤心T.T 那时候就一直跟神祷告,过后由艳莉姐来劝导她们,她们也听进去了~~ 算了,只能为她们祷告,希望她们可以成熟一点 >< 大家都是少年团的一分子,要团结才是嘛~

考试的那段期间,是多么的难熬>< 身边的朋友一直以为自己是个很厉害读书的人,其实不然。人们常说:小时了了,大未必佳。这句正好形容我。小时候成绩总是顶呱呱的,上台拿奖多不胜出。我不是在吹牛,这是真的(奖杯可以作证)哈。但中学以后就不再是那么的厉害读书,成绩算中上而已。想到中学生涯中是那么的多姿多彩,怀念朋友们~~ 现在读了学院,选择了会计这条路,我没有的后悔,那是为了我的家人,这是一条比较快出社会的路,我没有选择像身边的朋友一样向往读上大学。因为,我家里没有这个能力让我读,我也没有那么多时间能读,因为我必须要快点出来工作功妹妹和弟弟以后读书的费用。爸爸现在用他的公积金功我读sunway,虽然我有得到一年免费的奖学金,但是还是需要二十千来读完ACCA。所以爸爸功我读书,我也要赚钱来功弟妹读书。这是我的责任,我会努力的!说回来,那几天考试真的是读到要死,但是却没有出我读过的。唉,这次我对自己真的没有把握,我已经肯定两张纸是肯定不及格了的。因为全部account都没有balance,写的那张读了 又忘记,根本写不出东西。haiz 要花钱要重考了,对不起爸妈!明年新的学期,我一定会更加努力!!!





每天在公司对着电脑 回家还要对着电脑跟我msn
自己那么忙了却每天都不停的关心我 提醒我
闭上眼睛之前看着手机 都是他每天都会发给我的--晚安
睁开眼睛之后 第一个也是他每天都会发给我的--早安























--我爱神,你爱神,我们会更相爱! 不会因为我们爱神而使我们给予对方的爱会减少, 因为爱神使我们知道如何相爱!


这是若伊去台湾买的糖果,很可爱又很好吃哟。谢谢若伊啦~教我琴的师父 哈


>< 那天手机给我踢下床 裂掉! 可怜的我 几时才会有新手机用><

星期六的时候去莹家,她帮我弄圈的发型。我觉得不适合我,看起来有点老。哈 还是直头发好xD

用了好长的时间来写完今天的博客。忘了是多久,总之很久就对了。 连妹妹都说:我睡午觉起来 你都还没写完啊?哈 我的华语应该没退步吧?因为很久没写华文了(笑)


今天就写到这里(= 哈

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

~Still by Hillsong - Live~

I love this song, "Still".

Be still and know that HE is God.

More than capable of doing impossible things.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

~A little Disappointed~

Last week, mummy told me that she did not work on Thursday. She wanted to bring me out for my birthday celebration. I was glad to hear that. However, she told me again she can't keep her promise because she need to work on Thursday. I have a little disappointed. But how can I do? Mummy's work is very hard, wake up early in the morning; back home late at night. She cannot just take leave anytime. I have used to it, since she went out for working for so many years. I feel sorry to her. She went out for work, is help to support this family. I should not complain. Because of her work, she seldom go to church. Dad also recently. His worker was fired by his boss. Therefore, he need to work on Sunday. "No choice", both of them said. Moreover the things that I was sad to hear was even the coming Christmas Day, they also cannot go to church. What?! How come? Mummy said that she cannot exchange her rest day because it is on Saturday. Dad said that he is going to Kedah for his company meeting for 3days.= =I asked them whether can find others way. I get scold from them. They said they have no choice, they do this is for our family. Speechless. They are slowly away from God, I felt. The only thing that I can do is I pray for them everyday. I believe in God, HE will listen to my prayer. To make changes to my family, I want faster graduate from ACCA and go for work. Only this way, my parents only can get life easier. Birthday is gonna reach. I want to make some changes. As well as in myself, my family, my studies and also ministry. 18 years of life, looking back over the past, I feel like I wasted a lot of time on unnecessary things. A new life and new hope, this is God to us.

Friday, November 12, 2010

~Get sick~

I wonder how sick am I.
Had sore throats and a runny nose.
Fortunately, no fever.
Keep coughing.
Had the feeling of asthma ><
I had asthma since childhood
but grew up has completely healed.
However, if it is sick cough,
feeling as well as in asthma. Suffering. >.<
Voice becomes hoarse
and brother laughed at me.
I can not sing now,
I want to get well soon!!
I pray to God.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010





In the past week, I had breakthrough myself,
serve as a pianist.
Both Saturday and Sunday.
Everyone talk to me "JiaYou".
Thank you everyone for the encouragement and support. :)
When the worship started,
I'm so nervous actually...
had the same feeling when I become Song Lead first time,
Actually my legs was shaking on the time ><
maybe others did not see.. xD
But I done well. Ruo Yi and Qiao Hui said.
Thank you both of you for teaching me. Grateful.
I was in a cheerful mood.
I do the best of best for Lord.
Thank God listen to my prayer everytime.
Your blessings were always with me,
so that I always do the things belongs to God's will.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

~Market Place Ministry职场事奉~


上个星期从事奉表上键盘手的位置看见自己的名字。我告诉自己:我突破了!我超越了自己!之前师母有向我提起这件事,但我没想到她那么快就安排我这个岗位。也许对其他事奉人员来说,这并没有什么。然而对我来说,这是很大的恩典。神再次看中我的能力,我要大大的被神所使用成为他的器皿。回想上一次张欲权牧师说将的道:撒母耳记上16,17- 耶西不认为大卫有君王的潜力;哥哥们不认为大卫有勇士的潜能;扫罗不认为大卫有胜利的潜能;歌利亚不认为大卫有资格与他较量;然而上帝却看中大卫。我想我更加明白了。改变我心中的想法,神就会改变我的生命。今天我再次被神使用,我已经在事奉上突破了。所以我要献上最好的给神,我会更加努力使我的琴艺进步。我相信我今天所求的是双倍的,我也要双倍地被神使用,双倍的回应神。

在过去的星期二和三参加了职场服侍特会。邀请了来自香港的杨天恩博士牧师来主讲。本来那天学院还有最后一堂T5的revision class, 我就没有报名参加。但我最后选择参加特会。那天晚上我犹豫很久是否要去,少年团也一直叫我明天一定要来。我把这件事告诉妈妈,还被她啰嗦了一番。最后我向神祷告,我就决定参加特会,不去上课。我相信我的选择是对的,因为我真的在博士的分享中得着。这是值得的。至于那天的课嘛,听朋友说很多人没来上课,他们上课到一半也翘课去了,因为那天的课好像不怎么重要,只是再一次的温习,我想在家自己也能读。


Saturday, October 23, 2010

~This is the grace of God~

Participate in their activities really feel a lot of fun. At first, I was not going to participate in their group, just want to see their church youth group is how to carry out. But now I have joined them this way. I ask mum can I joined them and their ministry, and she replied:" Of course, why not? This was a good doings. You can learning more from that. And ministry is doing to Lord, no matter which church you are." Then I think should be the right. I hope I will continue to join them because I do not just serve in my own church, I want to serve in other areas, the best of my ability to offer the best to God.
By Ks, I am very lucky to get to know Joanna and have the oppurtunity to join them. Glad =D And she also was a fan of Jay, So like a coincidence that we have the same idol. Not only that she also invited me to Jay's concert that will held in KL next year. Feel happy to hear that but I should not be able to, I think. >.< $$$$ Anyway, I am grateful to her invitation.
Now the problem is I do not want to trouble them to fetch me every week, but dad did not allow me to driving at night >.<>Impossible for them to take me to every week, moreover my house was so far! I can only do is to pray God to help me how to solve this problem.
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask in prayer. [Matthew 21: 22]
My best teacher always is the words of god from the Bible. He always lead me the paths of righteousness. I am grateful to God that he given us the amazing grace. Thanksgiving has always been. Amen.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

~Love= Patience+Tolerance~


What does the Bible say about grace? Grace remind us of this life-saving gift from God. Grace is at the heart of the Gospel message. We do not deserve God's grace, but He has given it to us; we should be moved to give our all to Him.♥



-Jaeson Ma 马正远牧师-

Monday, October 04, 2010

~Went Fishing Again~

Yesterday I went fishing again. LOL. This time I went with several youth group's friends. We had fun at there although no fish was caught. xD

We practise song and dance yesterday. I felt all of us improved. Well done! Since we have so many weeks to practise, so our worship in this month can do well. haha. And recently everyone can pray out loud. This was a good thing. Let us learned how to pray before Lord. Our prayer fully picking up again. Hallelujah!

How to defuse an awkward between us? I mean him. Haiz. He has been very negative recently. I think I should talk to him generous. We are friends. Why should we become like this? Disturbing this thing called love. Trouble. = =

It is the time to work hard for my coming exam!! @.@ hehe xD

Tomorrow sister is going to start her PMR exam. Wish her good luck. I will pray for her. Jiayou ba c:


Friday, October 01, 2010


Today I went to Full Gospel Church to attend their Youth Alpha. Have a enjoyable night with KS, Zack, Joanna and many others. This is the last time to participate in. I had learned through this. Very sorry to Sam that he came and fetch me but I had not ready on the time. Because KS didn't sms to confirm me so I thought I did not go today. Sorry for let him wait for me. We had a bit rush and I felt sorry to troubled him. Fortunately, we catch up time. Thank God. Besides that, thank you Sam for fetch me go and Joseph foe fetch me back :D
Today's theme was "Min Ge Can Ting''. So, we had listen many songs from all. Kenneth sang nicely as before. Others also sang very well. It is enjoyable to listen their song. And thanks a lot to Joanna that gave me Jay's poster. Happy to received it. xD It can match with the Jay's album [mo jie zuo] in the last year which was a gift from my dear friends. Thanks a lot! Joanna also was Jay's fans. She said she had a lot collectibles of him. Very envious of her because I cannot afford to buy all his collectibles. ^^
Today's sharing was nice. The speaker talked about the importance of share gospel, the problem we faced and how to overcome. It is useful to help me when sharing gospel with others. Awesome! I like it!
Sharing Gospel is the mission of every Christian. When we preach the gospel with people, they may say that I do not need Jesus. But the truth is not they do not need, but they do not understand. Our responsibility is to let them know Jesus, believe in Jesus.
Each person has five fingers> that is [the gospel hand].

Thumb -> behalf of a good that is God loves us;

Forefinger -> pointing to others, on behalf of each person have sinned;

Middle finger -> is the highest in all fingers, representing Jesus died on the cross for us;

Ring finger -> usually we will say "Yes, I do." in marriage,on behalf of our trust and believe Him;

Little finger -> Finally, on behalf of we get a new life.

God loves each of us, but we have sinned, but he was willing to die on the cross for us. So we are going to believe him, therefore we can get a new life.
When we want to preach the gospel with people in such a way can be used for. Good sharing from the speaker! I will try to apply this. :D
May God greatly use us as his vessels, let us strive to spread out the love of Christ and gospel, and do the witness of Christ! Amen!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

~Disappointed on myself~

T3, T4 and T5 's results ----------------> FAILED

After I told my mum the results, she asked: " How come you get this kind of result?". I replied: " I also don't know."
My friends asked me:" What's wrong with you?" and I said " I also dont know."

___, I do not pass. ( yes / no)

Which one is the answer? I also don't know.

I can only say that I really study but not enough. It is my fault. I had realize. So I will change my attitude from now. Seriously. It requires action not just words.

Today we had an talk about MIA in college. The speaker's words inspire my mind. The road of accounting is not easy. I chose this road, I will regret or not in the future? I was thinking, since I had chosen so I should not to give up and stick to it. Buck up! I CAN DO IT!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Just now I saw a post on Facebook. It made sense.

有种女生让我很喜欢, 却不忍动情。

跟那种女生在一起时, 会有种温暖的感觉,

那感觉并不出自一时的冲动, 而是来自于彼此心灵的了解。


跟那种女生在一起时, 只有彼此心中的感动和心灵的交会,


当你发现她的心和你是如此贴近时, 常会想给她个结实的拥抱,

但仅仅在这个想法萌生后的一瞬间, 你们只会相视一笑, 有些东西是比爱情更珍贵的。


我害怕她做的我女朋友后, 我必须每天守着电话等着她的声音出现,

我害怕我必须说些花言巧语的话哄她, 更加害怕现实的束缚, 会限制住纯洁的心。

这种女生, 喜欢, 但我不会动情, 或者,这就叫红颜知己……

既不用为情所困, 为她的行为控制自己喜怒哀乐, 又能享有心灵上的交流。





怎么说呢,因为他们给我的感觉像朋友,真正的朋友 。







信不信 ,跟这些男生相处在一起,甚至比跟同类的女生相处来的愉快。





甚至开始为旁边的同行者掌灯,能结交有智慧、理想与热情的朋友,是人一生莫大的幸福吧 。


不因为我是女生,就随便说些甜言蜜语来哄我,或者根本不睬我 。
























Saturday, September 25, 2010

~PT2 passed, mock exam is coming soon!~

PT2 has been passed in this week, it can say that mock exam is coming soon. I take it with a normal heart.=P Recently, classmates gossip about me.@@ Because I have said out some word then caused a sensation in the class. But I will take it easy because I am used to it. Before this, friends always like to help me make a pair, I also have no choice. As long as not too much, I can accept this joke. So don't worry I will not angry of that. I am a tolerance person, LOL. Today T5 results was out, I failed again= = Disappointed to myself, it is my fault, because I didn't done well. I have made up my mind again, I must concentrate in studies now, less playing, online and go out. My aims is pass all the CAT paper once. I don't want any of the paper failed. So, this time I am seriously. I must do it! I have faith on myself and also God. I will depends on Him all the time.
In the last two weeks, it is holidays week. Our church has held a camp at Cactus Inn, Seri Alam. We have a lot of fun at there. Church camp is held annually. This year was held in a near place, that's why we can go, thankful to Lord. If not, we can't go also. [$$$] This camp has benefits me a lot. Beside the God's word that motivate me, our relationship among youth group also become closer. This is the will of god, we must treasure.
During Hari Raya, my family and I had visited my mum's Malays friends house at Pandan. This was the first time I received ‘greepau' and went to Malays houses.xD My mum's Malays friends were not very rich, they live in the Pandan Malays kampung. Their kampung house was old and small. Some are wooden house. If raining, the water will lead from the roof. I was surprise that there still have such a kampung in JB. Their kampung was different from our Chinese kampung, the house are not in a row, all build in random, at least we have our own address clearly, they seem like no?? Ermm, maybe I was fuss because I live in city since childhood. But the only things I can praised was their food, it is delicious and tasty although all are hot. Curry, Rendang, Sambal!! LOL. It is a nice visit!
That day, they were quarrel. Sadly. I was cry for that. I started to blame. I don't know what should I do at the time. When I wanted to vent my emotions, I found no place. I was thinking, I have a lot of friends. But I have no confidant. Absolutely. Maybe others will think I have a good interpersonal relationships and popularity. But actually not many people know me deeply. I have no bosom friend at all. I tell myself, it's okay, because I have Lord. When I was sad, helpless and suffer, I have nobody to tell, to complain, and to release my emotions. I was grieved. My tears drop down. Instead, the only thing that I can do is pray in front of Lord. I prayed, Lord Jesus, please give me strength, let my heart be strong again, so I can faced all the difficulties. Just like people who have the burden must come in front of Lord, he will come for us to carry it. I believe the almighty. Prayer is the best way. Nothings gonna change your love for us, thanksgiving, Lord. Every time you had listen to my prayer, I can felt Lord is stand beside me, listen to me through heart. I will follow you until the end of the world and the time until the Lord Jesus comes. Amen!
Yesterday, youth group practised song. This time we change our style. Let it become two song leaders. This is a good idea from priest! So, we had chosen Ying. In my heart, I think, maybe after she has this experience as a song leader, she will know my difficulty and stress before. Hopefully she will realise and change her attitude. Besides her, another member that let me headache was Zhao. We all know that he was a perfectionist. But sometimes, he was too requires perfect. There are no perfectionist in this world. How can we achieve his request? We are not that powerful. I was scared he will exploded again like last time and will cause dispute. Fortunately, he has remember the lesson last time, his thought had change to be patience and no more get angry easily. I was happy to see that. By the way, we can say that actually he has a very good talent in music, his opinion always was good in worship. So I was appreciate his opinion every time. Thanks God that we have such a talent member in our church. God wants revival in our church. Youth group member, are you prepared to revive yourself? Yes, I am the first one to say yes! Hallelujah! Yesterday we had completed our first MTS course in this year. We learned a lot about bible through this course. And we become more spiritual in our life. I am looking forward to the next course, it was about Father, Son and Holy Spirit and filled with the Spirit speaking in tongues pray. We don't want to be a nominal Christian, that's why we need to attend courses to know more about our religion. Just like our slogan: From believers to disciple, from his disciples into the ministry! Also can not forget the Gospel, we should share Gospel with people around us, this is our mission for each Christian. Let more people know about our Lord and accept Him as our savior. This was challenging task but I think youth group will try their best to achieve.
Believe in myself and God! I can lead well. Amen.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

~HOlidays over~

Time passed very fast, I have been accustomed to college life in this five months. It is a totally different from secondary school's life, different peoples I met and different incidents I experienced. Since I didn't write blog for so long, I have a lots of words want to say. xD

Appreciate God that let me can made friends with this soul mate. Thanksgiving. After get along with them for five months, our friendship was established gradually. I realise that [True good friends, does not mean that there are endless topic to talk about when together.But when together, even if not talking, will not feel embarrassed.] A meaningful phrases to me. Hope our friendship in the future can be maintained always. Erm, I think two people can make in the life of them become friends, this is a fate. We should appreciated and treasured. No matter how long you have not met him or her, at least our hearts are still remember each others, this is enough. For me, occasionally receive a sms is simply a warm regards from them. I will always remember the memories with my friends on my mind. My friends, trust me that you are not forgotten!

Last few weeks, I had followed Kae Sheng and joined the Christian Fellowship on Induction day in college. The first event I had attended was Youth Alpha Course which are held on every Friday night in Full Gospel Church. Have a nice night with all that day. I think their church events very good and suitable for teenagers to participate. But it is sadly to say that I just attend for one time only because dad are not allowed me to drive at night. Haiz. I actually quite like to continue to participate. In attending this course, I can made more friends, learn more about other churches and the Word of God. =] Unfortunately, I also cannot attend Christian Fellowship meeting on every Thursday evening =( because that time can't match with my time. It's a pity. >.<

In this week, I have went fishing with Dad for two times. Lived 18 years, this is the first time to go fishing. In my childhood, father started working in the fishing shop for so many years, but I have no chance to go fishing with him. Finally the opportunity came. This is a very good experience for me. Because of fishing, I love the sea: the beauty of the sea, the sea calm, the sea taste and flavor of the sea. Fresh air with beautiful scenery suddenly let my troubles on behind. Feeling very comfortable, I love it! Of course not forgetting about fishing. Actually fishing is not difficult to learn, I can mastered the techniques soon. Fishing was fun but it requires patience and perseverance. Moreover, fishing certainly not suitable for a person who afraid of sun and afraid of dirty. Fortunately, I'm not the one xD And when you catch the fish at the moment, there is a strange sense of accomplishment =) however it is cruel to the fish >.<>.

Recently I have a lot of feelings towards my friends, youth group and my family. But now I am busy preparing for the exam, I do not have extra time to write a blog.


Monday, July 26, 2010

~Dispute, quarrel&complain go away!!!!~

Quarrel among youth group happened yesterday. I was sad and disappointed. Youth group just like a big family. We love and and accommodating each other always. Because of disagreement on the serving , we are blaming each other. Was it correct for us to do so? Definitely no! I felt very very sad when I saw all your status and comments in Facebook. As I am a song leader among yours, I am sad but helpless. I knew my ability is limited, but I have done my best to be a song leader. Really. I tried to lead the praise and worship well. You all cannot see my stress. So don't simply gave any opinion that you always think that was true. I also never blaming myself. I know, as a christian, we need to humble and obedience, and always accept criticism from others. If you think you have this ability then you try to be a song leader then you will know. Dear Lord, was it correct for me to think like this? Sometimes I really cannot stand, I want to tell them what I thought but I fear that will affect our friendship between. So what should I do? Dear Jesus, please forgive my complaint. I was helpless and I cried at the time of prayer. Dear Lord, please help us. Everyone has their weaknesses. To do a best serving to God, we need to accommodating each other. Not repeated criticism of others, but look at our own shortcomings first. Especially some of them which are very sensitive, don't always criticize others and think you are very perfect or whatever. I, myself have weaknesses too, so I never criticize others isn't is? As you all knew me for a long time, I am not a hot temper person and I seldom angry with you all. Because I hope we live together in peace. I don't want quarrel among our self. All youth group member, I just want to say to yours that unity is strength. This is important. I don't know whether you all will see this post or not, I just want to express my feeling here. So no quarrel again next time please, we must try to find our way to overcome our problems. I was pleased when I saw you all have review our own after in the status. Last but not least was prayer. Anyway I will never give up prayer, I believed in God that he will be with us always-Emmanuel. God, implore you to use your ability to help us, so we can live in your justice, do not deviate from your Road. In any place which we are inadequate, hope Lord can add on it. Let us be honest hearts to worship you. Hallelujah!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

嘻哈牧師~Jaeson Ma

Today, when I search the Internet to find the 'Break Free" lyrics, I saw this in a girl's blogger. After viewing her blog, I think she was a Christian too. I saw this video post in her blogger recently so go to watch this video. It is the Goodtv show, The True Blog. I had watch it before which was Brother Kevin Soh's testimony last two week. I had post the video in my blog too. Then today I saw this show again. It is talking about Paster Jaeson Ma. His testimony touched me and let me started to know about his life and music. It is quite nice when I finish watching this video. God loves everyone in this world, no matter who are you, if you pray to Lord, He will listen to your prayer. I believed on it always. Amen.

Hillsong: "Break Free" Worship and Praise Song featuring Joel Houston (HQ)

Last Sunday, youth group has started our dance practise for the Christmas performance. That is my weakness - dancing = ='''I can't do all the dance movement well, it look like "cacat" when I dance. =w= How shoud I do?! I am naturally not suitable for dancing! I think. I am sure no problem if it is singing but this time is dancing. >.< Haiyo.........troubling now.............. : (

Although this, I was enjoyed the process of learning dancing with all. It was an awesome feeling that we can relaxed. xD ~So would you break free, would you break free get up and dance~

Lyrics of 'Break Free'~

Would you believe me would you listen if i told you that

There is a love that makes a way, it'll never hold you back

So wont you break free wont you break free

Get up and dance in His love

So wont you break free wont you break free

Get up and dance in His love

Who would have thought that God would give his one and only son

Taking a stand upon the cross to show His perfect love

So wont you break free wont you break free

Get up and dance in his love

So wont you break free wont you break free

Get up and dance in his love

His love never ending

(*Chorus) There's no escaping the truth

There's no mistaking it's You

God forever we'll

Get up and dance,Get up and dance

And praise You

Now is the time to take this freedom that has come our way

Offer our lives to see the glory of Your name

So wont you break free wont you break free

Get up and dance in his love

So wont you break free wont you break free

Get up and dance in His love

His love never ending

*There's no escaping the truth

There's no mistaking it's You

God forever we'll

Get up and dance,Get up and dance

And praise You

Theres no escaping Your light

Theres no mistaking Your love

Across the world we will

Get up and dance

Get up and dance and praise You

Living all our days

We are holding on holding on

To all Your ways

We are holding on holding on

To all You say and You've done

We are holding on to Your love

Now we will


So won't you break free

Won't you break free

Get up and dance

Wont you break free

His love never ending


Thursday, July 15, 2010

~Bye Bye Viva~

Finally Viva has been returned to him although I am reluctant to the car. I am very grateful to him that he lend me his car for three months. May God bless him greatly as more blessed to give than to receive. From tomorrow, I will drive Wira to college, not Viva anymore. T.T
Maybe I used to drive manual car so I not used to drive auto car. I felt not easily when driving. But I believed that I can drive it well!! hahaha..
Time flies quickly, a week has passed. Do not know why, I felt my circle of life becomes smaller. It seems like has some emptiness. During the secondary school time, I always busy busy and busy in the academic and extra-curricular activities and spend all the time with friends. It has a lot of memories in my mind. I was tired every time but it is very substantial. However now, I have a lot of free time then don't know how to spend it except study. Haiz.. what a stuffy life.
Yesterday I have missed the workshops of praise and worship by Stream of Praise in Full Gospel church. My friends who are going said that they had learned a lot there such as how to become a good song leader and how to lead the worship well. Unfortunately I cannot attend. It is such good experience but I lose this opportunity.
Thank God this week for look after the conservative. I will continue to serve you and love you as you love us in the world.

Monday, July 05, 2010

~New semester start~

Today new semester was start.
Continue my class with all my dear college friend (:
Mr.Tung, lecturer of T5 seem like very...... don't know how to describe.
Hope he can teach us well in T5. xD
After his introduction for T5, I felt T5 is very hard to pass. >.<
Because we need to write essay in the exam T.T
I have a bit worried that I cannot manage.

After finish our class, we went yum cha. haha.
We had a good chat there.
I also knew more about each others.

If have opportunity, I hope I can share gospel with them.
May God bless me.

Just now heard from dad that Viva is going to be return to FJ soon.
I have no Viva to drive anymore.
Could not bear to it.
Because I have drive used.
Nevertheless, that's not my car always.
It is time for return back to him.
So now I have no choice.
Maybe I need to drive 'that' car.
But I do not want to >.<>.<>

Dear Lord, I will continue pray to you.
Because I know your grace is always sufficient to my use.

~He really inspire me~

今天是特别的一天~ 一年一度的孝亲晚宴终于圆满落幕~
今晚是诗歌见证会~听到了超棒的见证~ 是一个新加坡的弟兄...也算是一位创作歌手~他是前吸毒者...名叫苏世明...45岁...可是看起来很年轻...他出生在一个破碎的家庭..十一岁第一次吸毒..过去二十年来进出戒毒所和监狱...在他最后一次进监狱时...他接触了圣经...他开始反省自己...听见上帝对他说话...他就悔改认罪了...在出来后...就信主了...现在他服侍主有八年了...也结婚六年了...他现在创作诗歌来见证他的故事...到很多国家去做见证...他没有任何的音乐背景...可是上帝却恩赐与他...让他会创作诗歌~他的歌都好好听...歌词很有意思...在他身上真的看到上帝的大能...让我更佳爱主~我希望从这位弟兄和他太太为大家带来的见证 可以带领着更多人相信上帝 因为再神 凡是都能~